From the weekend

I have three pictures from this weekend.  That's because the past few days have been part whirlwind, part blur.  (Good blurs and whirlwinds, though.)

On Saturday, Tim's parents and grandparents arrived from out of town for a big family dinner.  We had a house full of people, massive amounts of spaghetti and garlic bread, and we chatted and caught up.  I hadn't seen Tim's grandparents (and some of his siblings that are in town) since our wedding.
And it's been over a year since I've seen my in-laws.  It has been greatly refreshing to be around loved ones.

The day was made all the sweeter by having a conversation with Tim's Grandpa about the Upper Peninsula of MI and the "yooper" crowd.  Tim's grandparents headed back north and his parents stayed to visit with everyone for a few days.

On Sunday, we kept it chill.  Morning Mass, a long nap, and a family pizza dinner.

As for the rest of the week?  Some family is going tomorrow and some is staying.  We're enjoying everyone's company while they are here.  Currently on my mind?  The beach trip planned for tomorrow.  I'm freaking stoked.

The centerpiece for our dinner on Saturday.

Bonding time with Grandma and Grandpa!


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