From the weekend

This weekend was all about relaxing.  And there's not much to say beyond that.  It was three days I was very thankful for.  I'll let these iPhone pictures with slightly crazy lighting to tell the rest of our 3 day weekend story.

About to head out on a family date night!  This picture brought to you by my streaky mirror.

We started our Saturday with a big trip to Goodwill.  Anything that doesn't get frequent use went to the thrift shop.  This cradle was one of the things to go, and it was surprisingly difficult to see this cradle go.  The first big purchase we made for Ella and the one we had to most save for, it brought back a flood of memories.  Neither of our kids slept well in it, so we decided it was time to part ways.

Our weekend coffee pit stop.  Ella was off with the toys, of course.

Ella's new favorite thing - being outside as much as she can playing as much as she can.  She loves kicking the ball, playing catch, and blowing bubbles.  Perfect summertime fun!

Babies rolling around on the carpet.  Is there anything cuter?

These two are so funny together.  I've never heard Ella laugh so much more than when she's with her cousin Owen.


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