Ella as a two-year-old

Photo credit: Francis and Louise 
I have gone back and forth a hundred different times debating if I want to consistently write about Ella in the update-sort-of-way.  Do I want to publicly document milestones, first words, favorite things she does?  When she's 16, will she be indignant that I chose to share she pronounced "cup" as "pah" or "duck toy" as "doe-doe"?  Or since she will undoubtedly grow up in a technologically entrenched (and social sharing) world, will she be indignant...that I didn't?  I already have my guidelines, parameters by which I determine what's okay and what's not okay to post.  But I can't help but to keep coming back to wanting to share the cuteness that is Ella James.  Her joy radiates and her light shines brighter than I could have ever hoped, so for now, I'm going to revisit sharing some regular updates (if you will) on our sweet girl.

Ella's seemed to totally come into her toddler self over the past few months.  Always a bit reserved as a baby, she's left a little of that shyness behind and has grown into a cheery little thing who runs over and plays with little kids in the toy area at our favorite coffee shop.  She'll share toys and want to jump and run and do anything that involves saying "peace out mom and dad!"  And it's been awesome to witness.  For me, age 3 can't come soon enough, because I think she will love and totally benefit from pre-school!

Ella is...2 (Check out her second birthday here!)

Her favorite food is...applesauce

Some words in her vocabulary are...mama, dada, Archie, home, off, outside, ball, shoes, hat, treats, applesauce, cat, dog.

Some of her favorite activities are...jumping, playing outside, coloring, playing with puzzles, reading.

The sweetest thing she does is...(do I have to choose?)  1) Folds her hands for prayers before mealtime, nap time and bedtime, 2) she gives her little brother a hug and kiss after he wakes up and before she goes to bed, 3) she brings me things I use in the morning (like my slippers).

My favorite thing she does is...what I call 'the headcount.'  She'll sometimes, before we're about to go out or something, say mama, dada, Archie, Ella.  That's it.  It's the freaking cutest and it's in those moments I feel most like a family.

I'm most proud of her when...she kneels and folds her hands in church and says thank you when she's given something.

She makes me feel most like a mom when...she runs to me or brings me a book saying 'mama.'

She's learning...to draw lines, say 1-2-3, animals & their sounds, and a few colors.

Her favorite stuffed animal...is still Lamby.

My favorite recent moment of her...was while at the beginning of Mass, the priest started to say In the name of the Father...and she did the Sign of the Cross.

(What was Ella up to at 1-year-old? Last update, here)


  1. Looks so cute! Lovely family! :)
    Love from www.trangscorner.com {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}


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