Super Bowl weekend

Family date night over some pizza.  We like to wave at the camera.

A fresh selfie from Saturday AM.  A solo trip to grocery store.  Score.
There we go.  Lookin' a little more put together.  Trying out a purple lipstick here.

Ella while shopping.

Ella while brunching.

A little "just because" gift from my man.
Our Super Bowl dessert.  #deflategate

I present to you the weekend through filtered Instagram pictures.  It was a good one, this weekend. The highlight (and not-so-highlight) of the weekend, though, was Super Bowl Sunday.  To start the day off, we went to Mass where Ella waved and waved at the old couple sitting behind us.  It was the sweetest.  Then we were off to get ready for the game.  Our dear friends came over, and it was so good to see them!  We feasted over wings and jalapeno poppers and watched the Seahawks almost win the Super Bowl (face palm).  Despite a minor cupcake fiasco, it was a great day.

And how about that half-time show?  #sharknation 


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