This year was a year of hard work and new beginnings. I suppose now that we especially have children, every year will be a year of hard work, but if I take a look back on the last few years this one stands out in particular.
I didn't waver in pushing and challenging myself which resulted in a chunk of debt being paid off, writing goals reached, and (slowly) getting back on the road. I cooked a whole chicken and didn't kill anyone (a huge accomplishment, I thought). I took the exhausting and demanding journey of going to therapy in an attempt to conquer anxiety. I worked with a brand for this blog. I had my writing picked up and featured. I birthed another human. There are more than a few notable things that stand out about this year.
Ella celebrated her first birthday, took her first steps, said her first words, had her first plane ride. She became a big sister, discovered her love for coloring, and developed more of that Miss Independent personality. She grew (and continues to grow) rapidly. She's no longer that baby we welcomed into the world almost 2 years ago. She's a full-fledged toddler who's running and screaming and always wanting cookies (her mother's daughter, clearly).
Tim's always growing in ways that amaze me. I'm constantly learning and taking after his quiet example. He added professor to his résumé, made strides at work, and continues to share his love of his craft.
We said goodbye to Southern California and hello to the Pacific Northwest. We found out we were soon to be a family of four. We became a family of 4. We were blessed with visits from family and friends. Having gone through the past year, we've become stronger as a unit.
I closed out last year feeling exhausted and a little discouraged, but hopeful. This year I'm happy, relieved, and proud to say I'm ringing in 2016 breathing a little easier and with a lighter spirit. Last year was about setting the ground work for hard work and accomplishment and this year was about working hard and achievement. I'm excited for 2016. I'm excited to simply to be with my growing family, to watch my kiddos grow. But I'm also excited for the things that will come with 2016 -- our (highly anticipated and long awaited) trip to Michigan, Archer will be baptized where we'll see two close friends as they are the Godparents. A friend from college is getting married in June which will (hopefully) take us back to Southern California. My best friends may take a trip out West in the Summer. And then there's the lofty goal of traveling for the holidays.
Ever since Tim and I got married, it seems that our life has been full of constant change, a little uncertainty, and a couple curve balls. I can't believe we've moved three times and have had 2 kids in a little over 2 years. These past couple years have yielded much growth, but I'm happy that our life seems to be leveling out a bit. Some may read this and laugh. The phrase just tell God your plans and He'll show you His may come to mind. And to you I'd say, yes, more curve balls could be thrown our way, unforeseen events could take place, things we aren't ready for could happen. All that could happen and we'd get through it. I don't doubt my and Tim's teamwork and bond. But for now, I'll simply be thankful for feeling settled, a full heart, and a peaceful mind.
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