Little red socks

I must say - when sitting down to create this blog, I was not planning on writing on mom life.  I mean - that's kind of a lie, because if you go back to this post, I say I plan on documenting my journey as a new mom; but I don't think I knew what was in store for me.  I don't think I was planning on enjoying my new life as much as I am.

Here I sit.  1AM on a Wednesday morning.  A day full of children running around, spilled coffee, and countless changed diapers has come to a close.  The dishes are washed (for the third time).  The leftovers from the delicious Mexican feast my brother & sister-in -law made the family for dinner are stacked in the fridge.  My nephew's red socks full of the day's dirt rest by my fireplace.  My baby is sleeping.  So is my husband.

And I've never been more content.

I thought I was going to write about building a career as a stay-at-home mom.  A couple of potential opportunities came my way to build myself as a social media consultant, and I saw myself writing about those experiences.  (Depending on what comes of those opportunities, I probably will document my journey) but for right now, little, red dirty socks, to-do lists, a pile of dirty laundry, and two piles of folded, clean laundry is what life is all about.

And I've never been more content.


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