Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I was nominated by my dear friend and sister blogger Bridget Lappert from Broke But Bougie for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.  Once blogging partners and college roommates, we tackled the blogosphere documenting our post-grad lives and shared our tips and tricks for living on a budget.  Check her out!  She has a knack for finding quirky and classy outfits and writes in a way that will make you feel like you just found your virtual best friend.  Thanks for nominating me, girl!


Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.

Put the award logo on your blog post.

Answer the ten questions.

Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.

Nominate ten people.


Favorite item in your wardrobe?
Currently, it's a sweatshirt I got from Oak Hills Breaking Co.  It's way comfy and I love a good piece of clothing you can lounge in or rock in public.

Three things you love about yourself?
My ability to be empathetic toward others.
My ability to laugh at myself.
My ability to craft a story.

Nicknames people call you?

Favorite TV show?
Hard question!  I'll go with currently - Parks and Rec.

Three things every woman should have in their closet?
A statement handbag.  A pair of flattering jeans.  Something that makes you feel beautiful - a classic watch, bold lipstick, something leopard or something bodycon.

Trend you're afraid to try?
Milkmaid braids.  I just can't.

Trend you're loving?
Gym clothes made chic.

Why did you start your blog?
As a challenge for myself.  I've always loved to write, and I've blogged before, but I never stuck with them.  I was never truly happy with what I was doing, because I was too caught up in analytics and getting recognized.  When I left my job to have and take care of our new little girl, I promised myself I'd start writing for myself and not stop.

Someone you'd love to collaborate with?
Rachel Talbott!

Item you're saving up to buy?
I'll be honest - an area rug.

I nominate 

Your questions, if you accept

1)  Favorite celebrity memoir?

2)  Which actress would play you in a movie?

3)  Favorite leading lady?

4)  Favorite room in your home and why?

5)  Must have accessory?

6)  Guilty pleasure?

7)  Biggest lesson you've learned thus far?

8)  Your favorite place to go to get inspired?

9)  How did you meet your best friend?

10)  Perfect pizza?


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