She's the queen!
If I had to sum up this weekend in 3 letters, they would be: L O L.
Germs have been circling our place for the better part of a month, and this weekend Tim and I (the remaining healthy Lochners) fell victim to the brewing virus. It was a constant flow of Dayquill, Nyquill, Mucinex, Ella's antibiotics and kids' cough syrup. The only time we left the apartment was to get our groceries. And, oh was that a trip. (I didn't even want to look at the dollar section in Target.)
We had a no-tissue crisis 5 minutes into our trip, and we became that family as I frantically rifled through the kids' backpack to find a tissue and Archie laid down in the middle of the condiments aisle.
Needless to say, our weekend consisted most of movies. And movies. And more movies. Ever since watching The Sound of Music on Christmas Eve, Ella has been asking to watch it. She can't get enough of the music. So when the wedding scene came on and Ella exclaimed Maria is"the queen(!)", Tim got our wedding pictures and showed her moments from when "momma had a dress like Maria's." It was an incredibly sweet moment.
We managed to get a little baking in, which always heightens the kids' spirits, so our next couple days will be spent eating banana bread and recovering from Flu Season 2018.
Stay vaccinated, people!
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