Christmas break!
Christmas break already feels like a lifetime ago, but the Christmas season doesn't officially end until the Feast of the Epiphany (yay Catholicism!), so it's completely socially acceptable to be sharing Christmas photos this late. Yes?
It snowed on Christmas Eve and Christmas day, which made for the perfect Christmas. Give me snow and my kids chocolate mini doughnuts, and you've got the happiest Lochners on the block.
After breakfast and presents, we played with the kids and their gifts until the sugar crash got the best of us all.
Over break, I managed to sneak Tim away for a morning and take him out for his birthday. Brunch, Star Wars, and out for coffee.
Though Tim had Christmas Eve through New Year's Day off, we didn't go out too much since the kids were fighting off colds. But any family time is a good time!
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