Fading August

What's that saying? About March. Comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb? Unlike March, August was a lion. It came in roaring, unapologetically. And it was painful. I was caught up in the winds of my mom in the hospital, and tying up loose ends at my job and making the transition into stay-at-home motherhood. A change in antidepressants didn't help. The drowsiness, nausea and lack of appetite got in the way. And based on my mom's health, I thought it best to cancel our plans to fly out to Southern California to be in my best college friend's wedding. It was the right call, I knew it in my gut, but that didn't soothe the sting.

I had had high expectations for this summer—unreasonably high, actually. It was our first full summer in Michigan. And I hadn't spent a summer here since I was in college. There were reasons to build this summer up, no doubt. And it was good and nice and all that, don't get me wrong. But these past few months not only didn't live up to my high expectations, but they were more difficult than the typical month. But one of my favorite things about Michigan is the inevitable change in season. It forces a change in your home and your routine and yields a new mindset of starting new.

I do a version of 'spring cleaning' every season. After moving regularly over the past 6 years, I've gotten into the habit of routinely de-cluttering. Going through the closets, drawers, and storage feels particularly good this month. It's like I'm throwing all the "negative vibes" that accompanied July and August out with the junk. How cathartic.

From what it seems, we have an exciting fall ahead of us, so there's no reason to excessively "boo-hoo" over what didn't happen or what could have been during the summer. The cider mills are opening, people, so we should all collectively shout out with joy.

Farewell, summer.

So many trips to get ice cream. (No regrets.)

Some park play time after a Sunday brunch at one of our favorite spots.

I'm discovering all the hidden gems that have decadent GF treats. Gluten-free cheesecake, anyone?

She's such a little momma. Her stuffies are lucky.



Parents at the park.

Family reunion 2017.


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