Tricks, treats, and lessons learned
This Halloween was full of lessons. The first being learned in the crazed, picked-over Halloween section at Target. Getting ready for baby, Halloween preparations were a bit neglected this year, so we had to pick up a couple (very) last minute things from the store for our evening out. It was insane. People trying on costumes in the middle of the aisles, people on cell phones trying to pass the people trying on costumes, me attempting to bend over and get something off the bottom shelf. Ella was hungry and therefore, cranky. I was waddling in pain. And poor Tim was trying to keep it together for all of us. We walked out saying never again. Just like the next person, I tend to scoff at the Christmas floor sets bleeding into the Halloween floor sets. But, admittedly after that trip I appreciated our anticipation for Christmas a little more. I'll now be shopping early for the rest of my life.
We surprisingly made it to my brother-in-law's parents' house relatively on time, all in costume, tears dry, and treat held in a festive container in hand. Food and beverage were served and then the real event of the evening began, trick-or-treating. I wasn't sure how Ella was going to handle trick-or-treating. Between it being dark, the rain, and foreign faces, I thought she might not be that into it. If you know this little one, you know she's a shy one. But you can't take a kid away from Halloween, right? This kid was all about it! By the end of the evening she was yelling in excitement and running from house to house. This mom couldn't stop smiling. I was so overjoyed to see her having so much fun. I quickly realized there's nothing quite like celebrating the holidays through the eye's of our little ones, and I immediately became overwhelmingly excited for all our future holidays as a family.
I hope you had fun-filled night. We overcame the curve balls and worries and it turned into a Halloween to remember.
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