37 week update
T-minus 2 weeks and 3 days to go! Although if I'm being honest at all, he can come whenever he is ready even if it's a few days early...
The last update I posted was my 30 week update, so I thought I'd post a little bit of what's been going on. This will (hopefully) be the last one before his arrival.
So what's been going on?
We toured the birth center a few weeks back. I'm happy we ended up going for a tour and I'm happy with what we saw. The place gave off a relaxed vibe, the people were extremely friendly, and the staff seemed accommodating. This center is near opposite to the hospital I had Ella in. The hospital, which no longer exists, was older, like...had a waiting room labeled "Husband Waiting Room" older. They operated a bit on the old school side. The staff was great, but the overall atmosphere was a bit uncomfortable. I'm thankful and excited for the upgrade!
At 35 weeks, I had my last ultrasound to rule out any potential problems they were following during recent months, and all is well. It was a little unreal to see a 3D ultrasound that late in the game. We could see a bit of what he actually looks like.
Halloween candy and Oreos are the only things that sound appealing. I've had a bit of first trimester like morning sickness lately and the texture of many foods have turned me off. As for symptoms? I've had a lot of early labor like symptoms: pressure, back pain, stronger Braxton Hicks, loss of appetite, nausea.
Overall, I'm really, really excited to meet this little man. Thankfully, lately when I've thought about going into labor the excitement has outweighed the nerves. I know that will change a bit once I start having contractions, but I've been grateful for calmed nerves this time around. I had such high anxiety during the last weeks of my first pregnancy, it's a relief to be able to soak in this excitement.
Stay tuned! I haven't yet decided how I'm going to document the birth story and all that, but I'll be undoubtedly sharing newborn pictures and all the changes that come with going from a family of three to four. Thanks for your support along the way.
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