23 week update
Carrying a baby while taking care of two toddlers at home is a challenge I'm not sure I was ready to face. Or I'd ever be ready to face. It's difficult no matter how "ready" you think you are. Toddlers can't comprehend that you need a minute to throw up or that you're moving slow 'cause you were up most of the night or that you're unable to get down and up from the floor in one swift motion. They're toddlers. They need to eat, they need to sleep, they need to play. So during this second trimester as my morning sickness has returned and my stomach has grown bigger, it feels as though I'm being pushed to my limits. I haven't been very emotional during this pregnancy—not as emotional as I was during my first two pregnancies, at least. (I think medicine has helped significantly with that.) But late last week, I broke down, stressed out over a handful of things. Really, I've been strangely calm during this pregnancy, so I was due.
How far along? 23 weeks, 3 days.
The baby is the size of a..."large mango".
Gender? GIRL.
Total weight gain/loss? Around 10 pounds.
Exercise? Family walks.
Stretch marks? Not as of yet.
Maternity clothes? Mostly.
Sleep? I've been sick in the middle of the night lately, so not the best.
Food cravings? No crazy cravings, really. Lemonade still tastes most refreshing, but I haven't had any of those "Tim go out and get this even though it's midnight" cravings...yet. If I'm having a day of morning sickness, Vernors Slurpees are heavenly.
Aversions? Nothing at the moment.
Symptoms? Dry heaving, back pain, tight stomach, shortness of breath, headaches, unable to eat.
Movement? Quite a bit!
I miss...WINE.
I'm loving...looking for little pink onesies. I've been real into pink lately. When I was pregnant with Ella, I was into neutral tones, so Ella didn't have much pink clothing at all. This time I say, bring on the pink!
I'm looking forward to...nesting and preparing for baby during the fall months.
Best moment of the week? Tim's and my date day.
Words of wisdom? Not this update. I'm tired and feeling big. I'm honestly really excited to have another little one around though, so I'm very much trying to enjoy the ride and take care of myself and Baby Girl.
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