From the weekend

I'm beginning to notice a trend here in the Lochner Household.  One day will be full of smooth-sailing happenings - both kids are happy, content, the toddler gets dressed without protest, the infant naps well, we can go out for nearly an entire day and there is so little child-induced commotion that the day almost feels magical.  It's just us soaking in our family of four-ness and loving being with each other.

And there's the other half of the weekend.  The day when Ella insists that her right shoe goes on her left foot, when Archer naps for 5 minute intervals and becomes increasingly fussy because he's just tired, when we feel the need to applaud ourselves for getting to Mass bathed, fed, and in one piece.

This weekend was no exception.  We got up Saturday, went out for coffee and then into Portland for some shopping.  Archer slept and when he was awake he was content.  And Ella?  She was a dream. We don't have a double stroller yet, so she walked everywhere.  She waited patiently when Tim tried on clothes, she waited with Tim while I tried on clothes.  We stayed out for lunch, she missed her nap, and she still managed to stop folks with her cute, little vibe.  It was the best day, one of my favorites as a family of 4.

And Sunday?  Well.  We woke up late, barely made it to Mass on time with brushed hair.  When we sat down, Archer promptly started crying for food and Ella started fussing for water.  The people in front of us looked less than pleased we sat behind them (ugh).  This was also the day where Ella demanded "sauce" (applesauce) for every meal.  Archer was unsettled for a good part of the day and required more than one wardrobe change.

Good days and bad days.  We all have 'em.  I'm especially thankful for the good ones, because it reminds me it's more than possible to do things and go out with kids.  The bad ones?  Well.  We get through them, laughing.

I hope you had a great weekend.


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