From the weekend—Crutchin' in the park

It feels good to sit down and do something normal. I haven't revived any part of my routine since the last week of September when I injured my knee. So it feels good.

This weekend felt the same. I hadn't been out on a weekend in a few weeks, and considering it was sunny and 73, it was the perfect time to get out with the kids before we welcome that early winter weather. We drove out to a park, not without first picking up donuts, played, fed the ducks, and enjoyed the fall scenery.

The tell tale sign you're a tax-paying adult is you enjoy driving around different neighborhoods looking at houses. We had previously zeroed in on a neighborhood we were going to buy in, but our plans changed at the end of last year. Now, the possibilities are wide open, and we don't yet know where we're going to settle. And I'm okay with that right now. This neighborhood had a killer park, charming houses, and streets lined with brilliant trees. So the camera came out.

I love fall in Michigan. I'm a little sad I'm missing its peak this year, but I'm grateful I was able to crutch down to the picnic table and watch my kids enjoy the slides. T-minus 24 days until I can ditch the crutches and (hopefully) have my kids home from daycare. Until then, I can be found online shopping. Send your Christmas lists in now, people.


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