Life as of late

I haven't been writing nearly as much as I'd like to lately.  Five half-finished posts are sitting in my drafts folder beginning to collect the dust of writer's block.  My sob story is no different from the other somewhat often absent blogger—work, kids, more work, some cooking and minor cleaning thrown in there, the latest season of Grace and Frankie came out Friday.

My devotion to this space hasn't lessened, though the hours in the day seem to have lessened dramatically.  Maybe if I adopt the kumbaya-c'est la vie mentality of Lily Tomlin's character, I'll magically find a new energy that will see me through.

Frozen watch party.

I'd say Ella got a lot of Tim's personality in that she loves to build and take things a part.  She's quite the thinker (and tinker).  Happy to have a hubby who nurtures her interests.

A week ago, it reached a high of 40.  So we ran outside.  (Hurry up, Spring!)

One of Ella's favorite activities on this earth is blowing bubbles.  Since it's been cold and rainy, we've let her play with them in the kitchen. 

Concert dreams come true.  I ordered these for myself.  My husband who loves me so will be joining me, but I'm pretty sure he'd gladly sacrifice his ticket for another Legend-obsessed fan.  Any takers? Let me know.  But rest assured, the ticket ain't joking—rain or shine it is.

Right before that 40 degree warm front came through, it snowed.  I would complain, but it's so freaking beautiful.

The ladies who keep me sane.

A pitcher of sangria also helps to keep me sane.

Don't mess with her.

This past weekend, we had Thursday night, Friday night, and Saturday morning to ourselves. We saw Beauty and the Beast.  For the first time, maybe ever, I'd go pay to see a movie again in theaters.  We had a fairly extensive conversation on the film since we're basically Beauty and the Beast experts after having seen the animated one 500 times.  

A rainy Saturday morning brunch date was lovely until I was served a half-stack of gluten-ful (intead of gluten-free) pancakes.  Having felt like I'd been shot with a tranquilizer, I napped for most of the afternoon after.

Brunch at Blake's! Mimosas, my family, and best friends.  Could a gal ask for anything more? (Not in that order)


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