From the weekend—Pumpkin carving and progress

I've reached a turning point in my recovery. Even with the little physical therapy I've had, I'm able to move around more freely and with less pain. So I'm more eager to get out where as before I almost hid in my apartment because it was so uncomfortable to be out of my own bed. I'm grateful, because Halloween is upon us. We were able to get out and carve pumpkins with the kids this weekend. I don't know how I've gone all my life without carving a pumpkin, but I have. So I carved my first pumpkin (while balancing on one leg) and the kids had a great time eating more cookies than they should have.

As I head into the last 2.5 weeks of being on crutches, I'm taking the time to tie up loose ends -- pay bills, close in on refinancing a student loan, schedule appointments for the upcoming year, budget, etc. I'm laid up most of each day, but at least these last few weeks I'll be productive. Thank God, because my productivity levels have been severely low as of late.

(Also, 55 days till Christmas.) 


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